Cocoa, You Beautiful Girl

by Samantha Davies

We could see you getting tired
We could see you getting weary
Our last gift of love for you
Was to let you go so peacefully
We held you as our tears rained down over you
We held you one last time, we didn't want to let you go
Cocoa, you're in our hearts forever
We love you, we miss you
Goodnight sweet girl
God bless
Sleep tight x x

Comments for Cocoa, You Beautiful Girl

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I Felt the Same!
by: Yulia

It has been a year and a half since I let my Max go. Your poem made me cry because he was also in my arms when cold medicine went through him. I was not ready when he left quickly as the medicine went in him... He was still warm when I left him.

It is not easy to forget such creatures like them. I am sure Cocoa will sneak up on you in surprise. My Max has not visited me at all in my dreams but I think it is too sad for him to see me cry so he is here with me without letting me know in such an obvious way.

I should more pay attention to surroundings, like my youngest dog, who was Max's best friend. He sometimes looks like Max, with his tougue sticking out (he never did that untill recently), sitting in front of Max's urn.

Take care!

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