Change of Plans - Lucky

by Robert
(Portland, OR)

Well Lucky, if things would have gone as planned, we would be sitting at Rose City Veterinary Hospital saying our goodbyes right now.

I want to thank you for making it easier on me by heading out early.

The last three days have been horrific, but I would have been sad anyways and would have had to start this grieving process now.

I want you to know that I noticed you making our last day together a wonderful one. You ran and you played like you haven't done in years. You sat in my lap as we drove around in the sunshine with your head hanging out of the window like you had so many times before.

I want you to know that I noticed that you sat still so that I could take pictures of you, which you've NEVER done in the 15 years we've been together.

I want you to know that I noticed your reactions to my asking if I was doing the right thing when you started losing your balance...and your legs were collapsing beneath tell me, "Yes daddy, you're doing the right thing."

I want you to know that I noticed that as soon as I mentioned that waiting until Friday was going to be so hard for me that you quickly started to tell me, "Daddy, I won't make you wait...we can go now...I am ready."

I want you to know that I noticed how calm you were in my lap on the drive to the hospital as we watched the sun go down.

I want you to know that I noticed how calm you were in the private room as I gently kissed your head as we said our good-byes.

I want you to know that I noticed how peacefully you left your little body and went off to wherever we go.

I want you to know that I noticed that you didn't pee or poop on me, but left me plenty of hair all over my shirt, which I am hanging onto for the moment.

I want you to know that I noticed, as the nurse was taking your little body away, that your eyes were open and appeared their normal color like when you were younger...and that your tongue was sticking out at tell me, "Daddy, don't cry...I'll be waiting for you when it's your turn."

I love you and I miss you terribly and if it's the way things work, I so look forward to seeing you again.



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Two and a Half Weeks
by: Robert

Thank you folks, I appreciate it.

Two and a half weeks have passed and we're all slowly becoming accustomed to the changes.

I've spent a lot of time writing about our adventures together as it has proven to be comforting. (I say that; though, I must admit to typing a majority through a flood of tears.)

You can find me on Facebook (Robert W Banes)...if you look under 'notes', some of the stories can be found therein.

Take care and hug your babies a little tighter today. - RWB

by: DB. North Carolina

So sorry about your loss. This website did help me when I lost Bob. So, you keep your eyes open now. There's another life that needs you to save it. There are so MANY.

Oddly enough, you'll know that's the one when you see it. So listen to what you hear inside. That's how I got Bob and I already had 2 dogs at the time. I did not want another. But what a gift.

Two years gone now. And when you find the life you're meant to save, be sure and tell 'em, Lucky taught you how to do this. It won't really help you get over Lucky, it'll just give you a new loving companion (or a challenge) and it will save a life.

Take care of yourself. I know how you feel. Beautiful tributes by the way.

by: Anonymous

Thank you for sharing again. I read the last one and wanted to know what happened. Now I do. Dogs can speak without saying a word. I know they can and I DO know yours did as well. Your Lucky told you and you listened. God bless you.

John from NH

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