
by Vivian

We saw then 8-week old Bennie in a picture at a local supermarket on a message board. The picture said: "FREE TO LOVING HOME." My husband took the phone number tag, then returned and took the picture to make sure no one else got a chance at him.

We went to see him. The lady put him on my husband's shoulder, and we immediately fell in love with him and said: YES, we'll take him.

Free to loving home? I don't think so... our home was free. He was PRICELESS.

Comments for Benjamin

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He Will Be Missed
by: Tatyana M

I remember when I first saw him. I was scared to death. lol. But when Vivi told me to just stand there and let him smell me first, he attacked me with kisses. I loved him ever since.

He will be missed. But now it's time for him to enjoy dog heaven and for us to just think of the good old days with him. Remember, Benjamin doesn't want us sad, he wants us happy. ;)

Love you, Vivi.

My buddy!
by: Tammy

Bennie was such a sweet dog--and he LOVED me!! Caspar will miss talking to him through the fence!

Dogs Are Wonderful
by: Amy

Vivian, he's playing with Abbey in Heaven. Dogs teach us so much: patience, love regardless of treatment, pleasure in the simple things of life.

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