Beloved Bess Feb 13 2004 - Feb 20 2015

by David Barton
(Coventry, West MIdlands, United Kingdom.)

Bess (Love Me Or Leave Me was her pedigree name), the day I brought you home as a 6 week old puppy on 30th March 2004, you cried for being taken from your mother and brother.

11 years and 1 week later it is my turn to cry now that your battle has come to an end. I brought you back from the vet wrapped in a blanket so that I could lay you to rest below the apple tree. You will be with us so that we can watch over you.

You shared the 11 best years of my life.

Comments for Beloved Bess Feb 13 2004 - Feb 20 2015

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Dear Bess
by: Anonymous

Our dear boy 'Puppy' died recently. I sat with him on the front porch and cried loudly. He looked at me and wagged his tail.

A short time later he lay down on his side and I knew he had to go. Although only 7 years, he had a good life with us as he struggled with epilepsy.

He was a stray who came to live with us. Now gone to play with his 'sisters' Layla & Fangy.

Forever loved. xx

Gone .. Never Forgotten
by: Ed in Denver

What a heart warming tribute to your Bess.

Bury her under that apple tree but do not grieve for her as she's really not there.

She is free. You will see her in the sun, moon and stars, and feel her with you in the winds.

Physically Bess is gone but her spirit will be by your side, watching over you until it's time for you to join her on the Rainbow Bridge.

Listen for her in the morning's quietness. Call her, she will be there.

God's Speed, Bess

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