Baxter my Baby Beagle

I just lost my dog two days ago. It feels like so long since I've seen him.

I remember the day I first saw my Baxter. His big head looking through the living room window. I knew he was meant to be mine.

The five years I had with him were the best. Some people say "it's only a dog" but he was so much more than that. He understood me and I understood him. Nothing is better than going home to your best friend, who is waiting by the door to attack you with kisses.

It's those little things I miss so much; taking him for his walk, him comforting me when I'm upset, greeting me at the door, giving him his belly rubs... I miss everything about my best friend.

I can't believe he is gone and I'll never get another one of his hugs. My life feels so empty without him.

I would have done anything to save you my baby boy. I love you so much. You were the bestest baby beagle in the world. You gave me so much and asked for so little. How do I get over that? My memories of you will stay in my heart forever.

Rest in Peace my boy.

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Trog's dad
by: David

It's been to weeks now since Trog died and the pain remains. I feel empty as well. I don't know that we will ever really get over it. I feel like I let so much potential slip away. He was in his prime.

Life is cruel. The pain comes and goes. Everyone says it gets easier... time will tell. I just keep thinking about how loving, hopeful, faithful he was, and how he made everyone that he met happier.

I want to carry on his spirit. I encourage you to think of all the love Baxter gave and do the same in this world. I think that is what they are teaching us.

Take care. D

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