
by Kyra

My Baby Boy

My Baby Boy

"Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really."
- Agnes Sligh Turnbull

My Archie,

You were the best pet I've ever had come into my life. I remember getting picked up from school and my mom had a surprise for me. It was you.

We went to pick you up, and as soon as I laid eyes on you, I knew you were perfect for me. I knew you would always be there for me and listen to me. I always knew you would never judge me. It would just be an unconditional love for me.

I still remember the ride home with you. I sang "Lean on Me" to you. :) As we got older, I know I didn't get to hang out with you as much, but I still loved you. I will always love you Archibald. You will always be in my heart. There will never be a day that goes by where I don't think about you.

I love you Archibald Henderson Jones, always and forever.



Comments for Archie

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So Lucky
by: Angela

Your Archie was so lucky to have your LOVE. May you find peace, and know you will always have Archie in your heart.

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