An Angel From Above

by Kay

Spastic Shastia turned into Delightful Dazi
Before she was so hyper.
She drove me insane.
When Kyle first pointed to her
Saying She's The One
I was surprised.
Couldn't believe what I saw next.
When we put her on that leash
The moment Kyle touched her.
She was calm
She had a twinkle in her eye
One only a Rescue Mom could understand
We drove her home
For an hour she looked out the window
She knew what was happening
She knew she was going home
On Kyle's lap she stayed.
When we got out of the car she was so excited
Her new house was perfect
She even had a big sister
That day in June was like no other
Peaceful, Wonderful, Loving
Beautiful Dazi adjusted well to her new home and family
Gizzmo was her boyfriend, They would share kisses every day
Big Sister was her hero
She loved her so much
I remember the day she gave her a kiss
Right smack on the cheek
Almost to say
I love you Sissy, don't ever go away
When Autumn came
She would run and play
Chasing toys and Riding in the car
Winter came with bundles of snow
This meant Snuggling and Slipping
Sledding and Fun
February was so sad
The worst Valentines Day Ever
She was there when we got home
Ready to greet us and kiss us
Outside she stayed
With all the other dogs
Later that day she missed a car ride
Then a night to sleep inside
Mom said she was out running
Running from what though?
Why did she leave?
Why is she gone?
My daring darling Dazi
Where are you now?
It's almost been a year
I miss you so much
It's hard to talk about you without tears
The memory of you still lays in our hearts
The ways your eyes shined
The image of you still lives
We miss you Dazi Doggie Duke.
We miss you.

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