After life

by Shelley Francis
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)

After life

Nine months have passed since you died my dear friend
I will never replace you, but that is not the end
We have started a new friendship you and I
One I will never understand, but truly try.

To be together, although not on earth
Our spirits are entwined and given a new birth
closer, and closer, but not like before
I've taken you into my heart even more.

Closer than I ever thought you could be
Do you hear my heart beating, listen, you'll see
Do you hear my thoughts, as they flow through my mind
One thought of you each day, you will surely find.

When I think of you running, you're running my friend
Down the path, through the woods, and around the bend
When I think of how you looked curled up in your bed
feel the warmth beneath you, as you rest your dear head.

When I think of you playing, and having fun
I will throw the ball, now run, bandit run
When I think of holding you ever so near
Feel my protection and feel no fear

Nine months have passed since you were born again, friend
Not to this world, but that is not the end
The friendship we have is one of a kind
It is a kinship of the heart, soul, and mind

from your dearest Mommy....

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