A Tribute, Instead of a Memorial, to Bruno

by Ellen

My Dog Saved My Dad's Life. Should He Get an Award?

My dad is suffering from really bad lung/liver/bowel cancer. And he is on really strong medication. At about 1:30am my dad collapsed and passed out on the floor in the kitchen. As he collapsed, he hit his head on the counter, shattering his teeth and cutting his head. He also ripped his stitches open and hit his arm on the way down.

My brother, my sister, my mum and I didn't know what had happened as we were all in bed.

My dog was asleep at the time. He ran out of his basket to the other end of the kitchen. Bruno (my dog) started to lick my dad's cuts and grazes, which were bleeding. Bruno started to bark and whine to wake us up. My mum ran downstairs and found our dog dragging a towel up and over my dad to keep him warm. If it wasn't for my dog, the paramedics said he would have died.

My dad was rushed into hospital. Later on that day Bruno started to be sick. We rushed him to the vets, who said he had blood poisoning because he had swallowed too much of the wrong blood type.

We thought he was going to die. Bruno recovered, and my dad is still in hospital, but he is doing well. I'm so glad my dog has saved my dad's life.

I think Bruno should get an award but I don't know what award. So if any of you know what award he could be nominated for, could you please email me at ellenwykes@gmail.com.

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